respect: Python package to perform recursive, binary partitioning via thresholding of the Laplacian Feidler vector.
submet: Python package to compute various distances and metrics between equi-dimensional subspaces. Metrics include: Asimov, Binet-Cauchy, Chordal, Fubini-Study, Grassmann, Martin, Procrustes, Projection, and Spectral.
fieldmodel: Python package to fit brain connectivity field models (as originally described here). I provide methods to fit Geodesic field models (on a manifold) and Connective field models (original implementation in 3D-voxel space), along with the option to fit either Gaussian or Student’s T densities.
statsni: Python implementations of various multivariate statistical tests. Constantly growing as I find the need / desire to learn about new methods.
probtrackx3: C++ package containing modifications to the FSL probtrackx2 probabilistic fiber tracking algorithm for diffusion MRI. These modifications have not been endorsed by and did not involve FSL.
ddCRP: Python package for fitting distance-dependent Chinese Restaurant Process models
meshica: Python wrappers and implementations of Canonical ICA (CanICA) and MELODIC’s Iterative Group PCA (MIGP) algorithms for time-series data sampled on a mesh
niio: Python package for quickly loading and writing neuroimaging data in GIFTI format
parcellation_fragmenter: Python package for fragmenting annotation and label files into parameterized number of clusters. Useful for feature extraction and generating null models of cortical maps.
surface_utilities: Package for quickly processing surface meshes and cortical maps to generate adjacency lists and graphs.